The impact of a nutrition programme on the dietary intake patterns of primary school children

  • Delia Oosthuizen Vaal University of Technology
  • Wilna H Oldewage-Theron Vaal University of Technology
  • Carin E Napier Durban University of Technology
Keywords: nutrition education, dietary intake behaviour, impact, variety, children


Objective: The aim of this study was to improve the dietary intake patterns and food choices of children aged 9-13 years in a periurban community. Methods: Two schools were randomly selected from within this periurban community. A nutrition education programme was implemented over one school term, with the testing of nutrition knowledge occurring pre- and post-intervention, and in the long term, with the experimental group only. A validated 24-hour recall questionnaire was completed pre- and post-intervention by both the control (n = 91) and experimental groups (n = 81), and in the long term, by the experimental group. Food models were used to assist in the estimation of portion sizes and identification of food items. The questionnaire was analysed using the computer software programme FoodFinder 3, with means and standard deviations calculated for macro- and micronutrients, and comparisons made with dietary reference intakes for specific age groups. A list was drawn up of the 20 most commonly consumed food items, based on weights consumed. Paired t-tests were conducted to assess significance in dietary intake and food choices after the intervention. Correlations between knowledge and dietary choices were determined among the experimental group in the long-term measurements. Results: Correlations linked protein intake to knowledge of proteins, and vitamin C intake to knowledge of fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetable intake remained very low. Refined sugars and fat were still consumed among the experimental group. The diet for both groups was based on carbohydrates. Conclusions: The objective of changing the dietary intake patterns of the children was not achieved. The intake of legumes, fruit and vegetables remained low. The lack of variety in intake results in a diet that does not meet the daily requirements of children.

Author Biographies

Delia Oosthuizen, Vaal University of Technology
Hubs and Spokes student (DTech) Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods Vaal University of Technology South Africa
Wilna H Oldewage-Theron, Vaal University of Technology
Professor and Director: Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods Vaal University of Technology South Africa
Carin E Napier, Durban University of Technology
Senior Lecturer Food and Nutrition Sciences Durban University of Technology South Africa
How to Cite
Oosthuizen, D., Oldewage-Theron, W., & Napier, C. (2011). The impact of a nutrition programme on the dietary intake patterns of primary school children. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24(2), 75-81. Retrieved from
Original Research