Iodine and goitre status of primary schoolchildren near Worcester in the Western Cape

  • P L Jooste
  • E Joubert


Objective: To investigate whether or not iodine deficiency and endemic goitre currently prevail among the children attending a primary school near Worcester in the Western Cape, as was suggested by the results of the national iodine deficiency survey carried out 2 years previously.

Author Biographies

P L Jooste
Nutritional Intervention Research Unit, Medical Research Council, Tygerberg, W Cape, BSc Hons (Epidemiol), PhD
E Joubert
Department of Health, Boland/Overberg Region, Worcester, W Cape, BSc (Diet)
How to Cite
Jooste, P., & Joubert, E. (1). Iodine and goitre status of primary schoolchildren near Worcester in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 17(1). Retrieved from
Original Research